It’s 8:30 a.m. Saturday morning and 85 degrees on a hot, muggy, Midwest August day. Luckily, I’m lying in bed this morning with a well deserved cup of coffee and book. My weeklong dream, which began on Tuesday at 4:50 a.m. when that stinking alarm went off for the second time, had finally come true. After 50 plus hours at work, time with my husband, family and home; I was exhausted and I deserved this little siesta. My integrity, strength and wisdom had been tested at every turn this week at work. I was stressed; every evening had been consumed by something, I just didn’t know exactly what. I was exhausted in every fiber of my being and I was finally getting to rest; and boy, did I deserve it!
Then a tug at my heart spoke, “Run with me”. It was the Father speaking ever so gently. How dare He interrupt my quiet time? Hadn’t He provided this time for me to be lazy? Didn’t He know how desperately I needed to rest? But again, He tugged at my heart ever so softly, “Join Me this morning in My world.” He paused, and then added, “Now!” And, as I lay there, consuming energy I did not have, attempting to rationalize in my feeble manner why I should lay in bed and rest rather than join my Father I soon realized I was to be obedient and run with Him this morning.
I pulled my bed head hair into a pony tail, donned a pair of shorts, grabbed a water bottle and headed out the door without putting any deodorant on. I had decided to walk the first ½ mile; after all it was excruciatingly hot and then perhaps I might go farther. You see, I didn’t want to be outside getting dehydrated and ruin my whole free day, did I? (Oh my, how I love to busy my mind to rationalize; instead of listening. Do you think perhaps I could be stubborn??!!)
I reached the ½ mile point, noticed the clear blue horizon awaiting me when I heard a flapping noise behind in the distance. I turned to see a great flock of birds with white bellies flying overhead. I don’t know what species they were but they were beautiful, their powerful presence gracing the sky. How awesome a moment to be outside in His world!! I began to hope they would swoop down and pick me up as they flew overhead as by now I was running, my breathing was labored and sweat was running down my back, into my eyes and my legs were heavy. My body didn’t feel right, I was tired. The flock drew closer; their flapping was close and distinct as they swooped down directly overhead; then straight up into the clear blue horizon dancing one direction and then the next but always together, in sync, as if they had an invisible leader. It looked like fun and the grandeur of the moment swept my thoughts away and finally this stubborn soul began to listen to Him. “See, I am leading you to My grandeur, had you stayed home you would have missed the miracle of my guidance, this beauty I wanted to share with you this morning. Listen to me. I love you more than anything, more than this flock of birds, I will guide and direct you in every turn of life; I will strengthen you at every turn, just listen to Me!”
Suddenly, His world and arms engulfed my entire being; His presence renewed every fiber within me. I was re-energized body, soul and spirit, my faith was immediately strengthened. I could sense the mightiness of His presence and see His world with brilliance as never before. The corn stalks were deep green, stout and straight due to His handiwork. The beans now were taller than the wheat stubble; a perfect yellow butterfly with black spots danced merrily about the roadside. I heard the locusts’ exuberantly from the woods and the birds chirped endlessly on in tune. God’s world was in perfect order and he wanted me to join Him, to let Him lead me and put His perfect plans in place; His order in my world. He wants to teach me how to make my world more like Him.
My heart tugged again to remind me He knew the number of birds in each tree and provided for each one all year long. I learned through my sweat and struggle that today He had provided a gift for me as never before. The gift of His unconditional love for me; His holiness to enjoy and bless my heart and soul in a way I could never have imagined. He strengthened me physically, mentally and emotionally during those 4 miles under His presence. I soon prayed for forgiveness of my stubborn spirit and selfish heart for I would have missed His plan for me today had I not listened to His tug to join Him in His world; to be present with Him.
Ladies, I challenge each of you the next 90 days to spend 90 minutes a week in His world and anticipate His tug on your heart during that time. Listen to Him. Find a tree, plant or flower and watch the transformation that will occur the next 90 days. The power of transformation you will see is just a small portion of the power His transformational plan holds for your life. However, first you must enable yourself to access that transformation. I encourage you to move past what might be in your daily schedule to spend 90 minutes a week for Him.
Joanie and I would love to hear from each of you what happens when you let go and let God have 90. And if you would like to share with us on the blog, via email, letter or personally we would love to hear from you. Our prayer is for you to understand that each of us struggle with many of the same priorities, time issues and being just plain tired about life, but Joanie and I are learning to put ALL in God’s hands and pray about it. We want you to be a part of our learning and growing, too.
Please join us at WE GROW and let Him begin to show you His plan for your life.
Sweet blessings to each of your lovely ladies,
P.S. The flock of birds was waiting for me in the field ½ mile from my house. They flew up in all their grandeur and led me back home. God is awesome, isn’t He!!!
“Dear God, you my shield, my provider, my father, you think of me even when I don’t think of you. I praise you for always being in my life!!”
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above; and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” James 1:17
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11