Proverbs 8:10

"Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold."

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"45 for HIM"

Please mark your calendars for August 14th at 6:00 p.m.

“We Grow” Women’s Ministry will be hosting a prayer event, and we would love to have you join us. This will not be the normal “stuffy” prayer meeting. We will have focused prayer topics, you will be placed in a prayer circle of no greater than five people and our prayer session will last no longer than 45 minutes; Guaranteed! We will also offer snacks and time for fellowship. Now, you know you can spare 45 minutes to speak to God with a group of fellow believers; don’t you? I just know that the “buzz” around church on Sunday August 19th, will be about this event, and you want to be able to “be in the know!” So, don’t miss out!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Do you want to more spiritual growth?

Do you want to see God move?

Do you want to know God’s purpose for your life?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, “We Grow” ministries has an upcoming event that you WON’T WANT TO MISS!!!

Keep your eyes open for more information about “45 for HIM.”

As a teaser, and to get you thinking, I hope that you enjoy the following devotional.

Poo-Poo Prayer

My child is a delight; and a challenge. Right now we are in potty-training boot-camp. At least it feels like I have become a Marine drill Sergeant, barking out “Let’s go to the potty!” every 30 minutes like clockwork. (I’ll bet you never thought you would hear someone talking about potty habits in a devotional, did you?)

As those of you with children realize, this potty-training stuff is a big challenge. Not only is it a challenge for our children, but for us adults as well. We are hyper vigilant, always at the ready to pick them up and run. We monitor their intake of liquids and solids, trying to predict, and prevent, an accident from happening. We want so badly for our child to succeed, to master this new task. Mastering potty-training brings them one step closer to independence; and, truth be told, we look forward to not having the cost or clean-up associated with diaper days.

Throughout this struggle, I have gone through a wide range of emotions. Everything from, “I’m not ready for my baby to be this grown up”, to triumphant cheers; and, I ashamedly admit, a fair amount of frustration, even anger.

As I am going through this trying time of potty-training boot-camp, I find that I am doing everything I can think of in an attempt to help my little boy succeed. Yet, I know that this is a goal he must master on his own time line. I am not in control of his body; and at times neither is he.
Once I began to realize the truth of the situation, my attitude began to change. I began to relate this trial to our calling to serve the Lord. Often we see a friend struggling in an area of obedience or faith. We want to jump in and do whatever we can to fix things for them. But, ultimately unless our friend first recognizes their need and desires the end result of change, there is little we can do to help; except cheer from the side-lines, and pray. Our pushing, and suggesting, and monitoring their activities will be of no assistance.

While reflecting on this it occurred to me that the One who can bring about change in the lives of His people can even assist my son in mastering the potty. You see Jesus cares about anything and everything that is a concern to us; yes, He even cares about potty-training.
Why hadn’t I thought of this before? I had missed the mark. I failed to include God in my struggle. When I finally figured out that the best source for assistance with our potty-training challenge could be found with simple prayer to God, I began to take my concerns to the Lord. I even let my son know that “Mommy is praying that God will help you to be a big boy, and put your poo-poo in the potty.”

Not long after I told my son that I was praying for him, one night during our nightly ritual, (read a book, pray, sing, rub his head) when I asked my son what he wanted to pray about that night, he thought for a moment, then with a beaming face said, “Pee-pee, poo-poo, in the potty. Get candy!”

You see, my son was focused on the immediate goal of getting the “Tootsie-Roll” that we had placed on the back of the toilet as motivation for him to “put his poo-poo in the potty.” However, his prayer request gave me the vision that soon, hopefully very soon, I would have the opportunity to teach him an important life lesson about prayer and God’s awesome love.

And wouldn’t you know God answered my little boy’s prayer the following evening. My son managed to put his poo-poo in the potty for the first time, and he earned that sweet treat he had been longing for.
I rejoiced with him; clapping and saying “Great job”, and then just a short time later, I cupped his sweet, sticky, little face in my hands. I seized the teaching opportunity and I told him, “Precious Gabe, today God answered your prayer. Today, God paused just for you and helped you to put your poo-poo in the potty. Never forget this day! Never forget that God loves you and He answers your prayers!”
My sisters in Christ, just as God answered the prayer of this precious little boy, He patiently waits for you to lay your cares at His feet. No matter what your struggles or challenges are; no matter how big or how small, God cares about your concerns. He doesn’t want you to be anxious; rather He wants you to petition Him with thanksgiving, being certain that God will hear your cries; and that He will answer them. You too are His precious child. Won’t you give Him the chance to demonstrate His love for you today by taking everything to God in prayer?

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (NIV)
But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (NIV)
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. (NIV)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Chick Flick

Ladies, registration for Chick Flick on Saturday July 21st is full. If you wanted to come and missed out on this one, check back here often to see what else "We Grow" will be offering. We have some exciting events coming up soon!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Greetings to all!

Welcome to the NEW We Grow Women's Ministry blog page! This whole blogging thing is a new concept to us, however we desire to make this site worthy of the time you choose to invest in stopping by to visit.

The main purpose of this site will be to offer encouragement to women based upon our life experiences and backed by scripture from God's Holy Word. We will share devotionals and/or stories from our lives and from time-to-time may just post a link to another blog or web-site that we have found to be particulary beneficial in offering encouragement to our walk with the Lord. We will also be sharing information about upcoming "We Grow" events at Highland Church of Christ. So check in with us often! Our goal is to update this site with new information at least once per week. Please offer us grace, grace, grace, if we fail to meet this goal; occasionally "life happens."

We hope that our sisters in Christ find the material inspirational and enjoyable. If so give praise and thanks to our precious Lord, Jesus Christ! All blessing and spiritual gifts are given by His hand.

Blessings to you!
Joanie & Resa